The 'Friends of Top Hat Theatre School' (FOTHS) group help support the children of Top Hat Theatre School by fund raising to help support the children who attend the school.
We are a registered charity.
This is great as it opens up many more doors for funding opportunities.
We hold many social events throughout the year, aimed not only just at fundraising but making the events fun and something the children and their families are going to benefit from.
Over the years we have held Christmas Parties (this year brought in over £1200), festival presentation evenings, drama nights, Top Hat's got Talent, bag packing, bingo nights, quiz nights and our Tuck shop profits also go towards the charity.
The money we have raised this year has helped us contribute to so many things.
Our underprivileged students would not have been
able to take part in various projects had they not had our support.
Our aim is to assist those children who would not normally benefit from such opportunities.
We always welcome new ideas for fundraising or any offers of help! Please feel free to contact us on friendsoftophatschool@gmail.com
We are looking forward to new challenges next year and fresh ideas, we look forward to you all being part of it.
The Top Hat Suport Group